2016 General Election

Election Date: 11/8/2016

(Website last updated at: 06/05/2019 10:16:27 PM)
Registered Voters:
Ballots Cast:
Voter Turnout:
Precincts Reporting:
47 / 47
Election Day:
Completely Reported
Early Votes:
Completely Reported
Vote By Mail:
Completely Reported

Preliminary Results

Filter Filter Races
506 - Black Creek Church of Ch
508 -South Middleburg Baptist
601 - Clay County Agricultural
602 - Green Cove Springs City
604 - Green Cove Springs City
606 - First Presbyterian Churc
610 - Shiloh Missionary Baptis
612 - Shiloh Missionary Baptis
700 -Kingsley Lake Civic Cente
702 - Keystone Heights City Ha
704 - First Baptist Church of
706 - Freedom Baptist Church
708 - Gadara Baptist Church
710 - Penney Farms Town Hall