2018 General Election

Election Date: 11/6/2018

(Website last updated at: 06/05/2019 10:16:27 PM)
Registered Voters:
Ballots Cast:
Voter Turnout:
Precincts Reporting:
63 / 63
Election Day:
Completely Reported
Early Votes:
Completely Reported
Vote By Mail:
Completely Reported

Results based on initial machine count. Please see the official results or statement of votes cast on the election results page for recount results. 

Filter Change View
Participating Precincts Reporting:
63 / 63
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
Participating Precincts Reporting:
35 / 35
Participating Precincts Reporting:
35 / 35
Participating Precincts Reporting:
1 / 1
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
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Participating Precincts Reporting:
63 / 63
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63 / 63
Participating Precincts Reporting:
2 / 2
Participating Precincts Reporting:
34 / 34
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63 / 63
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63 / 63
Participating Precincts Reporting:
63 / 63
Participating Precincts Reporting:
63 / 63