General Election

Election Date: 11/4/2014

(Website last updated at: 06/22/2021 1:47:31 pm)
Registered Voters:
Ballots Cast:
Voter Turnout:
Precincts Reporting:
44 / 44
Election Day:
Completely Reported
Early Votes:
Completely Reported
Vote By Mail:
Completely Reported


FilterView Maps
Name Reporting Status
1 Fountain Fire Station CompletelyReported
2 Youngstown Fire Station CompletelyReported
3 Bear Creek Assembly of God CompletelyReported
4 Bayou George Jaycee Clubhouse CompletelyReported
5 Sand Hills Fire Station CompletelyReported
6 Southport Community Bldg CompletelyReported
7 West Bay Advent Church CompletelyReported
8 1st Baptist of Sunnyside CompletelyReported
9 Woodstock Church of PCB CompletelyReported
10 Frank Brown Park Comm Bldg CompletelyReported
11 PCB Senior Center CompletelyReported
12 The Palms Conference Center CompletelyReported
13 Cornerstone Baptist Church CompletelyReported
14 LaQuinta Inn CompletelyReported
15 Hampton Inn CompletelyReported
16 1st Baptist of Deerpoint Lake CompletelyReported
17 Bayou George Assembly CompletelyReported
18 Lynn Haven City Hall Annex CompletelyReported
19 1st Baptist Ch of Lynn Haven CompletelyReported
20 North Bay Baptist Church CompletelyReported
21 Harvest Worship Center CompletelyReported
22 Emerald Coast Fellowship CompletelyReported
23 Salvation Army CompletelyReported
24 Messiah Lutheran Church CompletelyReported
25 Fellowship Baptist Church CompletelyReported
26 Grace Presbyterian Church CompletelyReported
27 The Rock (Gym) CompletelyReported
28 West Side Men's Club CompletelyReported
29 Shaddai Shrine Center CompletelyReported
30 First Assembly of God CompletelyReported
31 Bay County Public Library CompletelyReported
32 Glenwood Community Bldg CompletelyReported
33 Bay County Extension Office CompletelyReported
34 Marina Civic Center CompletelyReported
35 1st United Trinity Center CompletelyReported
36 Daffin Park Clubhouse CompletelyReported
37 Springfield Community Bldg CompletelyReported
38 Callaway United Methodist Ch CompletelyReported
39 Callaway Arts and Conf Ctr CompletelyReported
40 Parkway Presbyterian Church CompletelyReported
41 Callaway Community Building CompletelyReported
42 Parker Community Building CompletelyReported
43 Parker United Methodist Ch CompletelyReported
44 Mexico Beach Civic Center CompletelyReported